Saturday, August 7, 2010

I don't mean to be frank, but...

I've noticed that Nicaraguans tend to be a lot more frank than North Americans. You're either offended by it or you find humor in it. I've chosen the latter. My host mom exemplifies this perfectly. Some of my favorite quotes:

"You're probably going to get fat while you're here, because you seem to eat when you're stressed." (note: today she changed her mind: "you eat a lot but you're not going to get fat because you run everyday")

"Your friend Sarah is more beautiful than you, but you're the more extroverted one and because of that, you attract friends more than she does." (I'll take it).

(After going to the Sandinista rally, which she firmly opposed) "You're not feeling well? Hm, maybe you should call Daniel (the president, a member of the Sandinista party) and he can cure you."

Or, my Spanish teacher: "I don't know, Sarah, I think the only one who's having problems with this assignment is you."


1 comment:

  1. I just guess they don't even consider people's feelings. I've had this happen to me alot in Europe as well, they just say things that are on their minds and don't even think of what or how it sounds!!!!! GRRRRR
